Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sunbathing Dogs

Here is the latest picture of Milo and Libby. They were laying on a blanket on the floor in the little sliver of sunlight they could find.


Anonymous said...

ahh too cute. its funny because astro does the exact same thing!! hes lil butt is a chicken to jump up in the window ledge and sit up there.. but once i pick him up and set him up there he stays up there for hours, haha. Sily doggies. And to comment on yalls LIFE.. which i knew about your house, just had not seen it yet... cute. and the chocolate factory..way cool! Southlake is blowing up.. it was back in 2004 so I cant imagine what it looks like now. But anyhow.. yall check out our blog from time to time too.. i set it up a few weeks ago... and just last night put crap on there.. haha. But its way easier than the whole email process. Anyways, hope all is swell yalls way... keep in touch!! love n miss yall