Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Open for Business!

Our Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Southlake Town Square is now open for business! I will try to post some pictures very soon...we've just been REALLY busy. But it is really fun and we love it there! Come by and see us, but first check our website for coupons under "Special Offers" (although if you forget the coupon and just mention it, we'll still let you get the deal!).

Please feel free to let us know what you think about products, prices, things we should sell but don't, the feel of the place, the cleanliness of the place, the friendliness of the staff, etc. We would like to see more customers so we're open to any improvement ideas!

We really THANK EVERYONE for all of the ideas, support, and discussions over the past 6 months about the store. Thanks for being excited with us!

The proud owners,
Lisa, Cyrus, and Taylor Vestal


The Boyd Family said...

hey slackers on the blog! where are some updates.. like how rich you guys are now.. workin like 4 jobs each now. Its been may 20th since last you blogg..... yup.. i smejavascript:void(0)
Publish Your Commentll slackers ;)

The Boyd Family said...

Hey girl.. i need yalls address at your new casa! Whats been up lately??

Anonymous said...

What is your website? I can't find it on google anywhere. (But I did find your blog on there.)